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Após cirurgia, fãs criticam blogueira que promove amor próprio

Após muito esforço e trabalho duro, a jovem Amanda Roberts perdeu mais de 68 quilos e ficou com mais de 6,3 quilos de pele em excesso da "transformação"

Por Redação VEJA São Paulo Materia seguir SEGUIR Materia seguir SEGUINDO
Atualizado em 14 nov 2017, 19h38 - Publicado em 14 nov 2017, 19h32
 (Reprodução/Instagram/Veja SP)
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Amanda Roberts é uma jovem fitness que promove o amor próprio e a positividade em um perfil com mais de 71 000 seguidores no Instagram. Após muito esforço e trabalho duro, ela perdeu mais de 68 quilos e ficou com mais de 6,3 quilos de pele em excesso — uma característica que poderia trazer muitos problemas de saúde para Amanda.

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Today for #tummylovethursday I’m throwing it back to about a year ago when I made the decision to overcome one of my greatest fears and workout at an open gym in just my sports bra and leggings, loose skin and all. I wanted to show everyone that ALL Bodies Are Gym Bodies, and it is possible to get a good workout in at any size or shape. I also wanted to show that it isn’t only the “smaller” sized women who are “allowed” to workout in just their sports bra. I had lost 150lbs at this point and I wanted to finally be proud of all that my body was- and that 100% included my loose skin. I hope you all are so proud of your Bodies, because your body is amazing, and you are worthy of an endless amount of self love.

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Quando eu percebi o tanto de pele em excesso que eu tinha e os problemas médicos que acompanhava essa condição (irritações, dores, possíveis infecções e um desconforto geral), tive que tomar a decisão de amar o meu corpo como ele era, com pele em excesso e tudo o mais“, contou Amanda ao BuzzFeed sobre a experiência. “Eu imaginei que não teria dinheiro para pagar por uma cirurgia para removê-la, mas eu sabia que possivelmente teria que passar pelo procedimento“.

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Happy #transformationtuesday everyone! Left: 330lbs in 2014 Right: 180lbs today Height: 5’7” . For those who are new to my page, hello! Here’s a quick overview of my story: I’m Amanda, and though being overweight isn’t what made me who I was, I was overweight my entire life, starting from very young. I developed a food addiction. I would do things like hide to eat, and feel ashamed of myself afterwards. I tried almost every diet in the book, including diet pills at the age of 13, and nothing worked. . I had given up on losing weight and worked on loving myself for a few years, which was beneficial in helping me want to better myself. Then, after I had my daughter in 2013, I realized I had to make a change for her sake. At 330lbs, I wasn’t able to be the Mom she needed. . So, on December 21, 2014 I had gastric bypass to help me finally get a hold on my weight and save my life. Since then, I’ve worked hard to change my entire lifestyle. I workout 5+ days at the gym, eat a healthy diet, and practice unconditional self love. . Because of my body positivity posts with loose skin, I was on the show @thedoctorstv where I spread my message of health and self love. They then offered to do my skin removal of my stomach for me, where they removed 16lbs of loose skin that was leftover from my extreme weightloss. . My last round of surgeries to remove leftover loose skin is on October 30th in TJ with @angel_bay_brand_new_you. Up until and past then, I’ll continue to work hard for my health and practice self love no matter what this journey brings. . If you read all of this, thank you! And thank you all for following me and my journey. I wouldn’t be where I am today without your support and encouragement. I love you all so much!

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No entanto, o destino foi gentil com Amanda e ela foi surpreendida por um presente inesperado: a mulher foi convidada por um programa com médicos e cirurgiões plásticos para falar sobre o movimento do amor próprio e recebeu uma oferta irrecusável de um dos apresentadores, o Dr. Andrew Ordon. O profissional ofereceu o procedimento para a retirada de pele, com a atração matinal cobrindo todos os custos da cirurgia.

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You can love yourself and change yourself at the same time. . So many people have it engrained in their mind that to be a part of the body positivity community, especially here on IG, they aren’t allowed to change. Some BoPo community members shame those of us who decided to change our bodies for our health, or to just be more comfortable in our own skin. I’m here to tell you that you are allowed to do WHATEVER you want with your body, and still love it. It’s YOUR body, YOUR life- not anyone else’s. So don’t let anyone shame you. Don’t let anyone shame you into changing if you don’t want to. Don’t let anyone shame you into staying the same if you want to change. SHAME IS NOT OKAY ON EITHER SIDE OF THE SPECTRUM. . I loved myself at 330lbs on the left. I loved myself at 180lbs with loose skin. And I love myself now at 185lbs with my scars. I decided to change myself BECAUSE I love myself. This my my journey, and I’m proud of it. I hope you are proud of whatever journey you are on, too.

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Amanda ficou dividida ao receber a oferta: “Eu lembro de me sentir aliviada e muito feliz, pois algo que parecia um sonho distante subitamente foi transformado em realidade. Eu também fiquei um pouco triste porque tinha trabalhado duro para praticar o amor próprio e aprender a amar o meu excesso de pele“, desabafou a jovem.

O pior, no entanto, ainda estava por vir. A jovem compartilhou com seus seguidores a novidade, mas muitos a acusaram de fingir a positividade que ela conhece há tanto tempo: “Eles disseram que, se eu realmente me amava, não gostaria de mudar nada no meu corpo. Mas não é assim que eu vejo: se você se ama, você fará o que você acha necessário para o seu corpo“.

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ONE WEEK UNTIL MY FINAL SKIN REMOVAL SURGERIES! . This time next Monday I will be down in Tijuana with my surgical coordinator @angel_bay_brand_new_you prepping for my final round of skin removal surgeries with Dr. Camacho Melo and Dr. Irving Rodriguez! I’ll be getting my arms, back and breasts lifted (no implants) to finally get rid of the last of the lingering rashes and discomfort caused by loose skin from my 150lbs of weightloss. . After my surgery, I’ll be sure to update you all when I’m awake and I’ll be keeping track of my recovery as I stay at @casadelangelwellnessspa recovery home for 10 days post op with 24/7 nursing. . Im starting to feel the nervousness, but I’m still so excited! I 100% trust my surgical coordinator and surgical team with my body, life, and care and I can’t wait to share my results with everyone! Thank you ALL for the love and support on this journey. If you have any questions, feel free to message me. I’m trying to catch up on my DMs this week, along with the rest of my preparations. 💕

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A viagem do amor próprio é muito pessoal e não deveria haver um guia ou critérios. A única regra deveria ser que você está batalhando duro para se amar. Antes da cirurgia, eu aprendi a amar a minha pele em excesso. Em vez de vê-la como uma má lembrança do passado, eu a enxergava como um troféu por tudo o que eu conquistei na minha jornada… Me amar a cada passo da jornada sempre foi o meu objetivo, e eu estou feliz em dizer que eu alcancei esse objetivo até o momento“, finalizou a jovem. 

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